Ad categories available on JobMaster
Ads in sections with 1-week (or several weeks') web exposure (Monday - Monday) *)
Ads on the front page (=homepage) with 1-week (or sevreal weeks') web exposure (Monday - Monday) *)
*) Ads in sections are updated once a week (on Monday morning around 8 hrs CET) and their web exposure lasts for 7 days, or the required number of weeks.
The deadlines for inputting ads to sections are Fridays on 15hrs CET.
Ads on the front page with the beginning of the web exposure during the (pending) week **)
**) Ads on the front page can be posted any time during the week -- they are posted
on the following working day (at last)
Exposure during the rest of the pending week
is FREE (please check the BONUSES below) and the paid week exposure runs in the regular rhythm Monday-Monday.
Illustration demo of the front page showing all ad categories is
When your ad appears ? Please check
Line text advertisement
Job headline
Job description:... Requirements:..... Tasks: ..... Benefits: .... Place: .... Specify all necessary details for the readers.
Your ad will be listed in alphabetical order by job headline.
Tel., e-mail, www.....
- the ad is published in the individual section (Financial, Business etc.);
- the ad is alphabetically ordered in the section;
- the ad is always visible during a full-text search by region or education level
- for 4-weeks exposure -- 4th week is free
Price per week::
- 3,- EUR incl. VAT per 1 ad + 1 week
Input form for ordering 1 line text ad is
back to the top of the page
Graphic text advertisement:
Job headline
Salary: .....
Job description:...
Tasks: .....
Benefits: ....
Place: ....
Specify all necessary details for the readers.
Your ad will be listed in alphabetical order by job headline.
Tel., e-mail, www.....
- the ad is published in the individual section (Financial, Business etc.);
- the ad is alphabetically ordered in the section;
- the ad is always visible during a full-text search by region or education level
- the ad has a special teaser with logo on the front page
- for 4-weeks exposure -- 4th week is free
Price per week:
- 14,- EUR incl. VAT
per 1 ad + 1 week
Input form for ordering 1 graphic text advertisement is
back to the top of the page
Ad in frame:
color or greyscale image:
ad in standard layout:
job headline, salary, description and contact:
- the ad published in a section (Financial, Business etc.),
or alternatively (with the surcharge) on the front page (please check below)
- the ad is displayed on the top of the section;
- the ad is arranged to the standard width of 478 pixels;
- the quantity discount if more than 3 ads are ordered in a week -- 4th ad is free
- in case the advertiser gives us the ad in a fit-to-publish JPG, GIF etc. file, we allow 20 percent discount
Price per week:
- the price of the ad depends on its size, i.e. with the standard width of 478pxs it depends on the height of the ad in pixels;
the prices of ads in standard layout start at
11,- EUR incl. VAT /1 week
- illustration prices of the above samples:
color image ad: height 352 px = 46 EUR incl. VAT/1 week
(in case a fit-to-publish file is given = 36,80 EUR incl. VAT/1 week)
standard layout ad: height 130 px = 17 EUR incl. VAT /1 week
(the rate is 1,30 EUR/10 px height)
Input form for ordering
1 ad in frame in standard layout is
For ordering
ad with color or greyscale image please send us
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Wholesale advertising: Line + Graphic text ads:
- ads are published in sections, graphic ads have teasers with logo on the front page
- ads are alphabetically ordered in the sections;
- updates are scheduled on Monday mornings -- the orders must be placed before the deadline (Monday 15 hrs CET);
- ads are sent in compatible data files - MDB, XLS, or others.... (please check in advance with us);
- advertising is priced by flat fee per week depending on the quantity of job entries,
it allows a generous progressivity of the quantity discount;
- graphic ads in larger number open the bonus of videoadverts in very favorable prices (please check below)
Prices per week:
- priceslist of wholesale advertising incl. bonuses is HERE:
For details, inquiries or orders please send us
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Line text ad on the front page - »job-teaser«:
- the ad is published on the front page;
- the ad is linked to HTML page with your ad, that can be placed on JobMaster, or maybe on your web site,
or the link may lead to your existing ad elsewhere on the internet;
- the ad is posted to the top of the job-teasers list at the beginning, yet with each newer order it sinks to the bottom;
- if ordering your ad on the opening of the week you get the free
exposure for the rest of the pending week, before the regular Monday-Monday exposure starts;
Price per week:
- 11,- EUR incl. VAT
per 1 ad + 1 week
Input form for ordering
1 line text ad on the front page is
back to the top of the page
Ad in frame on the front page:
color or greyscale image:
ad in standard layout:
job headline, salary, description and contact:
- the ad published on the front page
- the ad is arranged to the standard width of 478 pixels;
- if ordering your ad on the opening of the week you get the free
exposure for the rest of the pending week, before the regular Monday-Monday exposure starts
- in case the advertiser gives us the ad in a fit-to-publish JPG, GIF etc. file we allow -20 percent discount
Price per week:
- the price of the ad depends on its size, i.e. with the standard width of 478pxs it depends on the height of the ad in pixels;
the prices of ads in standard layout start at
22,- EUR incl. VAT /1 week
illustration prices of the above samples:
color image ad: size 478 x 352 px = 92 EUR incl. VAT/1 week
(in case a fit-to-publish file is given = 73,60 EUR incl. VAT/1 week)
standard layout ad: size 478 x 130 px = 34 EUR incl. VAT /1 week
(the rate is 2,60 EUR/10 px height)
Input form for ordering
1 ad in frame in standard layout on the front page is
For ordering
ad with color or greyscale image on the front page please send us
back to the top of the page
Videoadvertisement on the front page:
- the ad is published on the front page;
- the ad is linked to graphic ads ordered by the advertiser;
or alternatively to web addresses by advertiser's choice anywhere on the web
Price per week:
- videoad at max 15sec. is allowed as a BONUS for the surcharge of only 22 EUR incl. VAT/1 week
to the advertisers who posted at least 5 graphic ads in a week
- videoad at max 15sec. for the others costs 92 EUR incl. VAT/1 week
(the price contains the publishing of max. 5 graphic ads)
- videoads over 15 sec. -- at negotiable prices/1 week
- file types: MPG, AVI, WAV etc., or possibly SWF etc.
For ordering
videoadvertisement on the front page please send us
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